Wills can be simple directives for your personal representative when you are gone to wind up your affairs and direct where your assets shall go. It can also be a more actively involved process where you are preparing documents that provide for tax advantageous situations or protective measures for young or disabled children who are not yet able to determine how to manage their funds
Molder law can protect your best interests and ensure that you are financially protected, sometimes through the creation of a trust. The preparation of Trusts allow you to provide protection and guidance to your named beneficiaries after you are gone
Asset Protection Planning
Asset protection is the proactive planning to protect your assets from future creditors or judgments. This involves a series of legal measures that can deter a lawsuit or help prevent the seizure of your assets after a judgment
Special Needs Planning
Among the many challenges facing parents of children with special needs is planning for the time when the parents will no longer be around to act as the primary caregivers. Advance planning by parents can make all the difference in the life of the child with special needs
Powers of Attorney
POAs can cover a broad range of issues, and the powers you grant are entirely up to you. For example, you can appoint an agent to make only health care decisions for you if you ever become incapacitated, which is called a Medical POA
HIPAA Agent Authorization
Lacking HIPAA authorization will stall any effort by your nominated agents under any health care directive and will not allow any successor trustee under the trust or agent under the durable power of attorney to seek counsel with doctors to determine your capacity. Steve Molder can prevent this from happening
Health Care Directives
An advance health care directive, also known as living will, advance directive, personal directive or advance decision, is a set of written instructions that a person gives that specify what actions should be taken for their health if they are no longer able to make decisions due to health reasons
Care Agreements
As people age, they are faced with many changes and challenges. One of the most traumatic changes may be giving up the home. To hang onto the home, and to spend their retirement years in familiar surroundings, many people may transfer the home to a care provider, or a friend (a care provider).
Nursing Home Planning and Litigation
It is not a requirement to drain your bank account or spend all your assets to put a loved-one in a nursing home or plan for Medicaid. Without a good lawyer on your side, it is often difficult to sort through the truth, the many complexities and the myths about long-term care.
Medicaid Planning
Careful planning, whether in advance or in response to an unanticipated need for care, can help protect your estate, whether for your spouse or for your children.
Fair Hearing with the Department of Public Welfare
Attain guidance from Steve Molder to attain a Fair Hearing with the Department of Public Welfare with strategy in mind
A guardianship is also called a conservatorship in some places. The guardianship can cover either the person's money, or the person's safety and welfare or both.